Armory Enterprise Compatibility Matrix

Information about support and compatibility for Armory Enterprise.

This page describes the features and capabilities that Armory supports. Note that although Spinnaker™ is part of Armory Enterprise, what Open Source Spinnaker supports and what Armory supports is not a one-to-one relationship.


Feature status describes what state the feature is in and where you should install it. For more information, see Release Definitions. You can also click on the feature status badge directly.

Generally available The feature as a whole is generally available. There may be newer extended functionality that is in a different state.

Early Access The feature is in Early Access.

Experiment The feature is an Experiment.

Enterprise availablility

OSS The feature or parts of it are available in Open Source Spinnaker.

Armory The feature or parts of it are available only as part of Armory Enterprise for Spinnaker.


All supported versions for the Armory version refers to the current minor release and the two previous minor releases. For example, if the current version is 2.21.x, all supported versions include 2.19.x, 2.20.x, and 2.21.x. For third-party software, “all supported versions” refers to actively maintained versions by the provider.


Early AccessArmory

The Armory Agent is compatible with the Armory Platform and open source Spinnaker. It consists of a lightweight service that you deploy on Kubernetes and a plugin that you install into Spinnaker.

Armory (Spinnaker) Version Armory Agent Plugin Version Armory Agent Version
2.23.x (1.23.x) 0.6.5 0.5.6
2.24.x (1.24.x) 0.7.4 0.5.6
2.25.x (1.25.x) 0.8.4 0.5.6

For a full list of previous releases, see this page.

Application metrics for Canary Analysis

Generally available OSS Armory

Application metrics can be ingested by Kayenta to perform Canary Analysis or Automated Canary Analysis (ACA). For information about how to enable Canary Analysis, see Configure Automated Canary Deployments in Spinnaker.

The following table lists supported app metric providers:

Provider Version ACA Armory Note
AWS Cloudwatch All supported versions Yes 2.23.1 or later
Dynatrace All supported versions Yes 2.23.0 or later
Graphite All supported versions Yes All supported versions
New Relic All supported versions Yes All supported versions
Prometheus All supported versions Yes All supported versions Authentication using a bearer token is supported.
SignalFx All supported versions Yes All supported versions
Stackdriver All supported versions Yes All supported versions


Artifacts are deployable resources.

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported artifact stores:

Provider Armory Notes
Bitbucket All supported versions
Container registries All supported versions Docker Hub, ECR, and GCR
GitHub All supported versions
Git Repo All supported versions GitHub or Bitbucket. Supports using the entire repo as an artifact.
Google Cloud Storage All supported versions
HTTP All supported versions
Maven All supported versions
S3 All supported versions

As code solutions

Pipelines as Code

Generally available Armory

Pipelines as Code gives you the ability to manage your pipelines and their templates in source control by creating and maintaining dinghyfiles that contain text representations of pipelines. These files are then ingested by Armory to generate pipelines that your app devs can use to deploy their apps.

Templating languages

To create dinghyfiles, you can use one of the following templating languages:

  • HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) Early Access
  • JSON Generally available
  • YAML Generally available

Version control systems

The following table lists the supported version control systems:

Feature Version Armory version Notes
BitBucket Cloud All supported versions
BitBucket Server Previous two major versions All supported versions
GitHub All supported versions Hosted or cloud


The following table lists specific features for Pipelines as Code and their supported versions:

Feature Armory Notes
Fiat service account integration All supported versions
GitHub status notifications All supported versions
Local modules for development All supported versions
Modules All supported versions Templatize and re-use pipeline snippets across applications and teams
Pull Request Validation 2.21 or later
Slack notifications All supported versions
Webhook secret validation All supported versions


The ARM CLI is a tool to render dinghyfiles and modules. Use it to help develop and validate your pipelines locally.

You can find the latest version on Docker Hub.

Pipelines as CRD

Early Access Armory

PaCRD gives you the ability to manage your pipelines as Kubernetes custom resources.

The following table lists the PaCRD features and their supported versions:

Feature Armory Notes
Create, modify, and delete pipeline manifests All supported versions Working within the same cluster Spinnaker is installed in.
Create, modify, and delete application manifests All supported versions Working within the same cluster Spinnaker is installed in.
Define all stages supported by Spinnaker and Armory PaCRD version 0.10.x and later Validation support does not exist for all stages.

Terraform Integration

Generally available Armory

The Terraform Integration gives you the ability to use Terraform within your Spinnaker pipelines to create your infrastructure as part of your software delivery pipeline.

Supported Terraform versions

The following table lists the supported Terraform versions:

Terraform Versions Armory Note
0.11.10 - 0.11.14 All supported versions
0.12.0 - 0.12.24 All supported versions
0.13.4 - 0.13.5 2.24.0 or later
0.14.0 - 0.14.2 2.24.0 or later

Although other Terraform versions may be usable with Armory and the Terraform Integration, only the versions listed here are supported.


The following table lists the Terraform Integration features and their supported versions:

Feature Armory Notes
Base Terraform Integration All supported versions
Named Profiles with authorization All supported versions


Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported authentication protocols:

Identity provider Armory Note
None All supported versions Armory recommends having Armory Enterprise only accessible through a VPN if this is turned on.
SAML All supported versions
OAuth 2.0/OIDC All supported versions You can use any OAuth 2.0 provider such as Auth0, Azure, GitHub, Google, Okta, OneLogin, or Oracle Cloud.
LDAP/Active Directory All supported versions
x509 All supported versions


Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported authorization methods:

Provider Armory Note
None All supported versions Armory recommends having Armory Enterprise only accessible through a VPN if this is turned on.
GitHub Teams All supported versions Roles from GitHub are mapped to the Teams under a specific GitHub organization.
Google Groups All supported versions
LDAP/Active Directory All supported versions
OAuth 2.0/OIDC All supported versions Requires the provider to include groups in claims or be a supported third party integration.
SAML All supported versions

Baking machine images

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported image bakeries:

Provider Armory Notes
AWS All supported versions
GCE All supported versions
Packer All supported versions The following lists the included Packer versions:
  • Armory 2.22.x includes Packer 1.4.4
  • Armory 2.23.x and 2.24.x include Packer 1.6.4

Baking Kubernetes manifests

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported manifest templating engines:

Provider Armory Notes
Helm 2 All supported versions
Helm 3 2.19.x or later
Kustomize All supported versions Kustomize version installed is 3.8.1


Spinnaker’s UI (Deck) works with most modern browsers.

Build systems

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported CI systems:

Provider Version Armory Note
GitHub Actions n/a All supported versions Webhook integration
Jenkins All supported versions All supported versions

Custom stages

Armory Enterprise includes custom stages that you can use to extend the capabilities of Armory Enterprise. Some of these stages are available out of the box while others are available as plugins to Armory Enterprise.

Stage Armory Notes
Evaluate Artifacts 2.24.0 and later Available as a plugin

Deployment targets

Generally available OSS Armory

Armory supports various deployment targets.

Here’s a great chart by Google to help categorize the different targets.

Compute as a Service

Provider Deployment strategies Armory Notes
Amazon AWS EC2
  • None (always adds a new one)
  • Highlander
  • Red/Back aka Blue/Green
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
  • Rolling Red/Black
All supported versions

Container as a Service Platforms

These are providers that are manifest based, so Armory applies the manifest and leaves the rollout logic to the platform itself.

Provider Version Armory Notes
Kubernetes 1.16 or later All supported versions
Amazon AWS EKS All versions All supported versions
Google GKE All versions All supported versions
Provider Deployment strategies Armory Notes
Amazon AWS ECS
  • Red/Black aka Blue/Green
All supported versions

Platform as a Service

Provider Version Deployment strategies Armory Notes
Google Cloud App Engine
  • Custom
All supported versions
Cloud Foundry CC API Version: 2.103.0+ and 3.38.0+
  • None (always adds a new one)
  • Highlander
  • Red/Back aka Blue/Green
  • Rolling Red/Black
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
All supported versions


You write the function and use Armory to manage the rollout of iterative versions. These are usually hosted by Cloud Providers.

Provider Deployment strategies Armory Notes
Amazon AWS Lambda
  • Red/Black aka Blue Green
  • Highlander
  • Custom (run a custom pipeline)
All supported versions

Dynamic accounts

Generally available OSS Armory

Dynamic accounts (external account configurations) for Spinnaker allow you to manage account configuration outside of Spinnaker, including secrets.

Backend provider

The following table lists the supported backends:

Provider Version Armory Notes
Git All supported versions All supported versions
S3 n/a All supported versions
Vault All supported versions All supported versions

Supported Spinnaker services

The following table lists the services that support dynamic accounts:

Service Account types Note
Clouddriver Cloud provider, artifact Automatic configuration refreshing is supported for Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes cloud provider accounts only.
Echo Pub/Sub
Igor CI systems, version control

External storage

Generally available OSS Armory

Spinnaker requires an external storage provider for persisting app settings and pipelines. The following table lists the supported storage solutions:

Provider Armory Notes
Google Cloud Storage All supported versions
Minio All supported versions
S3 All supported versions

Depending on the service, Spinnaker also uses either Redis, MySQL, or Postgres as a backing store. The following table lists the supported database and the Spinnaker service:

Database DB version Armory Spinnaker services Note
Redis All supported versions All supported versions All Spinnaker services that require a backing store The DB versions refer to external Redis instances. Supported only for services that still require Redis for a feature, such as Gate sessions. Redis is not supported as a core persistent storage engine. Although Spinnaker deploys internal Redis instances, do not use these instances for production deployments. Armory recommends only using them for testing and proof-of-concept deployments.
MySQL MySQL 5.7 (or Aurora) All supported versions Clouddriver, Front50, Orca
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 10.0 or later 2.24.0 or later Clouddriver

Armory recommends using MySQL or PostgreSQL as the backing store when possible for production instances of Spinnaker. For other services, use an external Redis instance for production instances of Spinnaker.


Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported notification systems:

Provider Armory Notes
Email All supported versions
GitHub All supported versions
MS Teams 2.23.2 or later
Slack All supported versions
PagerDuty All supported versions


Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported observabilty providers:

Provider Version Armory Note
New Relic All supported versions All supported versions
Prometheus All supported versions All supported versions Use Grafana for dashboards.

Pipeline triggers

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported pipeline triggers:

Provider Armory Notes
AWS Pub/Sub All supported versions
Cron All supported versions
Docker All supported versions Docker Registry API v2 required
Git All supported versions
GitHub Webhook All supported versions
Google Pub/Sub All supported versions
Jenkins Job All supported versions
Manual All supported versions
Webhook All supported versions

Policy Engine

Generally available Armory

The Policy Engine gives you the ability to ensure any Spinnaker pipeline meets certain requirements you specify.

OPA requirements

The Policy Engine requires an Open Policy Agent server. This can be deployed in the same cluster as Spinnaker or in an external cluster.

The following table lists the requirements:

Requirement Version Note
OPA Server 0.12.x or later Specifically, the v1 API must be available. When specify the OPA server URL in the Armory configs, include v1 in the URL: http://<your-opa-server>:<port>/v1.

Supported validations

Validation Armory Note
Save time validation All supported versions If no policies are set, you cannot save any pipelines until you set any policy or turn off save time validation.
Runtime validation All supported versions If no policies are set, no policy enforcement occurs and pipelines run as they do normally.

Secret stores

Generally available OSS Armory

The following table lists the supported secret stores for referencing secrets in config files securely:

Provider Armory Notes
AWS Secrets Manager All supported versions
Encrypted GCS Bucket All supported versions
Encrypted S3 Bucket All supported versions
Kubernetes secrets All supported versions Spinnaker Operator based deployments
Vault All supported versions Armory only

Spinnaker Operator

Generally available OSS Armory

Spinnaker Operator and Armory Operator provide Spinnaker users with the ability to install, update, and maintain their clusters via a Kubernetes operator.

Feature Version Armory Version Notes
Install, update, and maintain Spinnaker clusters All supported versions All supported versions
Automatically determine Deck/Gate URL configuration if Ingress objects are defined 1.1.0 or later 1.1.1 or later Ingress objects must be defined in the same namespace where Spinnaker lives.
Support definition of all Halyard configuration options All supported versions All supported versions
In cluster mode, validate configuration before apply All supported versions All supported versions Does not work when installed in “basic” mode. Does not guarantee a valid configuration, but does check for most common misconfigurations.

Last modified April 14, 2021: (c6259f1)