Armory Agent for Kubernetes Quick Start Installation

Leearn how to install the Armory Agent in your Kubernetes and Spinnaker environments.


This guide is for experienced Kubernetes and SpinnakerTM users.

Compatibility matrix

MySQL storage for Clouddriver is required for the Agent.

The Armory Agent is compatible with the Armory Platform and open source Spinnaker. It consists of a lightweight service that you deploy on Kubernetes and a plugin that you install into Spinnaker.

Armory (Spinnaker) Version Armory Agent Plugin Version Armory Agent Version
2.23.x (1.23.x) 0.6.5 0.5.6
2.24.x (1.24.x) 0.7.4 0.5.6
2.25.x (1.25.x) 0.8.4 0.5.6

The Agent consists of a service deployed as a Kubernetes Deployment and a plugin to Spinnaker’s Clouddriver service. Be sure to check out the architecture.

Networking requirements

Communication between Clouddriver and the Agent must be http/2. http/1.1 is not compatible and causes communication issues between Clouddriver and the Agent.

Step 1: Agent plugin installation

You modify the current Clouddriver deployment as well as add a new Kubernetes Service.

The easiest installation path is to modify an existing spinnakerservice.yaml with kustomize. To start, download additional manifests into the directory with your SpinnakerService:

# AGENT_PLUGIN_VERSION is found in the compatibility matrix above
curl$AGENT_PLUGIN_VERSION.tar.gz | tar -xJvf -

Then include the manifests in your current kustomization:

# Existing kustomization.yaml
namespace: spinnaker  #   could be different
  # Pre-existing SpinnakerService resource (may have a different name)
  - spinnakerservice.yaml

  # Add the agent service
  - agent-service

  # Include plugin configuration
  - agent-plugin/config.yaml
  # Change plugin version as well the name of your SpinnakerService in this manifest
  - agent-plugin/clouddriver-plugin.yaml
  # Alternatively you can include this remote manifest

You can then set the plugin options in agent-plugin/config.yaml.

  • For topologies like Infrastructure mode and Agent mode, in which the Agent is installed in a different cluster from Spinnaker, you should configure TLS through a load balancer.

  • For Spinnaker installations with one Clouddriver instance and no Redis, you can use kubesvc.cluster. However, a Spinnaker installation with Redis is recommended.

  • When running Spinnaker in HA, make sure to modify the following files:

    • agent-service/kustomization.yaml according to its comments
    • agent-plugin/clouddriver-plugin.yaml and agent-plugin/config.yaml references to Clouddriver should be to HA versions (i.e: -rw, -ro, etc)

When you’re ready, deploy with:

kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -


  • If you gave SpinnakerService a name other than spinnaker, you will need to change it in files under agent-plugin.
  • If you are using the Agent on an OSS installation, use the following download URL${AGENT_PLUGIN_VERSION}-tar.gz or replace the apiVersion with

Alternate methods

If you are not using kustomize, you can still use the same manifests.

  • Deploy agent-service/clouddriver-grpc-service.yaml or agent-service/clouddriver-ha-grpc-service.yaml if using Clouddriver “HA” (caching, rw, ro).
  • Merge agent-plugin/config.yaml and agent-plugin/clouddriver-plugin.yaml into your existing SpinnakerService.

Step 2: Agent installation


Create the directory structure described below with kustomization.yaml, kubesvc.yaml, and kubecfg/ containing the kubeconfig files required to access target deployment clusters:

├── kustomization.yaml
├── kubesvc.yaml
├── kubecfgs/
│   ├── kubecfg-01.yaml
│   ├── kubecfg-02.yaml
│   ├── ...
│   └── kubecfg-nn.yaml
# ./kustomization.yaml

# Namespace where you want to deploy the agent
namespace: spinnaker

  - name: kubesvc-config
    behavior: merge
      - kubesvc.yaml

  - name: kubeconfigs-secret
    # a list of all needed kubeconfigs
    - kubecfgs/kubecfg-account01.yaml
    - ...
    - kubecfgs/kubecfg-account1000.yaml

kubesvc.yaml contains the Agent options:

# ./kubesvc.yaml

  - name: account01
    # /kubeconfigfiles/ is the path to the config files
    # as mounted from the `kubeconfigs-secret` Kubernetes secret
    kubeconfigFile: /kubeconfigfiles/kubecfg-account01.yaml
  - ...
  • For installations without gRPC TLS connections, you should include clouddriver.insecure: true in the Agent options.
  • For HA, make sure to set clouddriver.grpc: clouddriver-ha-grpc-service.yaml:9091

With the directory structure in place, deploy the Agent service:

kustomize build </path/to/directory> | kubectl apply -f -

Managing kustomization locally

If you prefer to manage manifests directly, download all the manifests:

AGENT_VERSION=0.5.6 && curl -s$AGENT_VERSION-kustomize.tar.gz | tar -xJvf -
  • Change the version of the Agent in kustomization.yaml
  • Modify Agent options in kubesvc.yaml


Check out the troubleshooting page if you run into issues.


Agent CPU usage is low, but the amount of memory depends on the size of the cluster the Agent is monitoring. The gRPC buffer consumes about 4MB of memory. See the Monitoring page for how to monitor agents running on an Armory platform.

Last modified March 26, 2021: (43eca74)