Troubleshooting the Armory Agent Service and Plugin

Successful installation and startup messages, common errors, tips, and gRPC endpoint testing.


Networking issues

Communication between Clouddriver and the Agent must be http/2. http/1.1 is not compatible and causes communication issues between Clouddriver and the Agent.

Agent plugin messages

After a successful plugin installation, spin-clouddriver-grpc (or spin-clouddriver-ha-grpc) service should be up:

$ kubectl get service spin-clouddriver-grpc
NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
spin-clouddriver-grpc   ClusterIP   <none>        9091/TCP   30s

Clouddriver’s log should have the following messages:

2020-10-02 16:23:58.031  INFO 1 --- [           main] org.pf4j.AbstractPluginManager           : Start plugin 'Armory.Kubesvc@0.4.4'


2020-10-02 16:24:10.046  INFO 1 --- [           main] n.d.b.g.s.s.GrpcServerLifecycle          : gRPC Server started, listening on address: *, port: 9091

Testing gRPC endpoints

In Infrastructure or Agent modes, you can test the gRPC endpoints with the grpcurl utility.

$ grpcurl <your-grpc-endpoint>:<port> list

The default port is 443.

Command options:

  • -plaintext: if your gRPC endpoint is not configured for TLS
  • -insecure: if you are using TLS with custom certificates

Output is similar to:


Verbose logging

You have to change the logging and verbosity levels to display detailed logging output.

First execute the following:


Then run grpcurl with the -v switch:

grpcurl -v <your-grpc-endpoint>:<port> list

Use -plaintext or -insecure depending on whether your endpoint is configured for TLS.

Output is similar to:

INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 parsed scheme: ""
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc0002996b0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc0002996b0, {READY <nil>}
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Channel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Channel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN
INFO: 2021/01/25 22:10:52 Subchannel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN

Agent service messages

On a normal startup, the Agent will show the following messages:

# This shows where the configuration is read. "no such file" is expected.
time="2020-10-02T22:22:14Z" level=info msg="Config file /opt/spinnaker/config/kubesvc-local.yaml not present; falling back to default settings" error="stat /opt/spinnaker/config/kubesvc-local.yaml: no such file or directory"

# Where is the Agent connecting to?
time="2020-10-02T22:22:14Z" level=info msg="connecting to spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091..."

# Connection successful
time="2020-10-02T22:22:14Z" level=info msg="connected to spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091"

# Showing the UID of the agent, that's what will show in Clouddriver
time="2020-10-02T22:22:14Z" level=info msg="connecting to Spinnaker: 9bece238-a429-40aa-8fad-285c72f56859"

# Agent registering with 32 successfully discovered clusters Spinnaker
time="2020-10-02T22:22:14Z" level=info msg="registering with 32 servers"

# At that point Clouddriver assigned caching to this instance of the Agent
time="2020-10-02T22:22:27Z" level=info msg="starting agentCreator account-01"

Common errors:

  • HTTP/2 client preface string missing or corrupt. Hex dump for received bytes: 160301011901000115030383b0f1d28d2a75383e4e1f98f4 When connecting to SpinnakerTM as a service, make sure to set clouddriver.insecure: true or provide certificates so the plugin can terminate TLS.

  • org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: jOOQ; bad SQL grammar [update kubesvc_assignments set reachable = ?, last_updated = ? where cd_id = ?]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'clouddriver.kubesvc_assignments' doesn't exist The plugin by default tries to automatically create the tables it needs after printing this error message. This can be ignored, and in case of any issue, another error message should follow later in the logs.

  • Parameter 1 of method getRedisClusterRecipient in io.armory.kubesvc.config.KubesvcClusterConfiguration required a bean of type '' that could not be found. Make sure redis.enabled: true is set in Clouddriver’s profile. For a more limited solution, keep only one Clouddriver instance and set kubesvc.cluster: local in Clouddriver’s profile

  • Parameter 0 of method sqlTableMetricsAgent in required a bean of type 'org.jooq.DSLContext' that could not be found. Make sure sql.enabled: true is set in Clouddriver’s profile

  • Parameter 2 of constructor in io.armory.kubesvc.agent.KubesvcCachingAgentDispatcher required a bean of type '$Factory' that could not be found. Make sure providers.kubernetes.enabled: true is set.

  • Assigning accounts to Kubesvc enabled Clouddrivers (caching) multiple times in Clouddriver & [..] is unreachable [..] getting credentials: exec: fork/exec /usr/local/bin/aws: exec format error Currently only static tokens are available. Generate a kubeconfig that uses a token from a SA with permissions to the cluster instead.

    kubectl create sa kubesvc -n default # replace default with a relevant namespace
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubesvc --serviceaccount default:kubesvc --clusterrole cluster-admin # or make a proper rbac role
    TOKEN_SECRET="$(kubectl get sa kubesvc -n default -o jsonpath='{.secrets.*.name}')"
    TOKEN="$(kubectl get secret "$TOKEN_SECRET" -n default -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)"
    # Replace your kubeconfig from
    # users:
    # - user:
    #     exec:
    # to
    # users:
    # - user:
    #     token: $TOKEN_SECRET
    # Remember to replace $TOKEN_SECRET with the actual contents from the command above

Agent tips

  • It is a good idea to have each Kubernetes cluster accessible by at least two instances of the Agent. Only one instance will actively stream Kubernetes changes. The second one will be on standby and can be used for other operations such as deploying manifests and getting logs.

  • For better availability, you can run Agent deployments in different availability zones.

  • Restarting the Agent won’t cause direct outages, provided it is limited in time (less than 30s). No operation can happen while no Agent is connected to Spinnaker. Caching is asynchronous and other operations are retried kubesvc.operations.retry.maxRetries times. Furthermore, restarts are generally fast, and the Agent resumes where it left off.

Last modified March 26, 2021: (43eca74)