Configure Automated Canary Deployments in Spinnaker

Learn how to configure Kayenta using the Armory Operator.

Kayenta Overview

Kayenta is the Spinnaker service that performs Automated Canary Analysis (ACA). The goal of Kayenta is to provide the end user with confidence that a deployment is safe through automation and intelligence. For information about how to use Canary deployments, see Use Automatic Canary Analysis in Spinnaker.

Configure Kayenta

The open source Spinnaker documentation has a good overview of how to configure Kayenta using Halyard at Set up canary support.

For Operator, the following example is an equivalent SpinnakerService manifest. The example config uses Datadog as a metrics provider and stores canary configs and analysis in a GCS bucket:

kind: SpinnakerService
  name: spinnaker
        enabled: true   # Enable/disable canary analysis
          - name: google
            enabled: true   # Enable/disable Google provider
            - name: my-google-account
              project: my-project-id       # The Google Cloud Platform project the Canary service uses to consume GCS and Stackdriver.
              jsonPath: gcp-sa.json        # File name of a JSON service account that Spinnaker uses for credentials. This is only needed if Spinnaker is not deployed on a Google Compute Engine VM or needs permissions not afforded to the VM it is running on. See for more information. This field supports using "encryptedFile" secret references (
              bucket: my-bucket            # The name of a storage bucket that your specified account has access to. If you specify a globally unique bucket name that doesn't exist, Kayenta creates that bucket.
              bucketLocation: us-central-1 # Required if the bucket you specify doesn't exist. In that case, the bucket gets created in that location. See
              rootFolder: kayenta          # The root folder in the chosen bucket to place all of the Canary service's persistent data in (Default: kayenta).
              supportedTypes:              # Array of: METRICS_STORE, CONFIGURATION_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - OBJECT_STORE
            gcsEnabled: true               # Whether or not GCS is enabled as a persistent store (Default: false).
            stackdriverEnabled: false      # Whether or not Stackdriver is enabled Stackdriver as a metrics service (Default: false).
            metadataCachingIntervalMS: 60000 # Number of milliseconds to wait between caching the names of available metric types for use in building canary configs. (Default: 60000)
          - name: prometheus
            enabled: false  # Enable/disable Prometheus provider
            - name: my-prometheus-account
                baseUrl: http://prometheus     # The base URL to the Prometheus server.
              username: my-username            # Basic auth username.
              password: abc                    # Basic auth password. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              usernamePasswordFile: prom-creds # The path to a file containing "username:password". This field supports "encryptedFile" references (
              supportedTypes:                  # Array of: METRICS_STORE, CONFIGURATION_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - METRICS_STORE
            metadataCachingIntervalMS: 60000   # Number of milliseconds to wait between caching the names of available metric types for use in building canary configs. (Default: 60000)
          - name: datadog
            enabled: true   # Enable/disable Datadog provider
            - name: my-datadog-account
                baseUrl: # The base URL to the Datadog server.
              apiKey: my-api-key                   # Your org's unique Datadog API key. See This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              applicationKey: my-app-key           # Your Datadog application key. See This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              supportedTypes:                      # Array of: METRICS_STORE, METRICS_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - METRICS_STORE
          - name: dynatrace
            enabled: true
            - name: my-dynatrace-account
                baseUrl: https://<your-dynatrace-url> #You Dynatrace URL
              apiToken: my-api-key                    # Your org apiToken to query Dynatrace
              - METRICS_STORE
          - name: signalfx
            enabled: false    # Enable/disable SignalFx provider
            - name: my-signalfx-account
                baseUrl: # The base URL to the SignalFx server. Defaults to
              accessToken: abc                       # The SignalFx access token. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              defaultScopeKey: abc                   # Scope key used to distinguish between base and canary deployments. If omitted every request must supply the _scope_key param in extended scope params
              defaultLocationKey: abc                # Location key used to filter by deployment region. If omitted requests must supply the _location_key if it is needed.
              supportedTypes:                        # Array of: METRICS_STORE, METRICS_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - METRICS_STORE
          - name: aws
            enabled: false    # Enable/disable aws provider
            - name:  my-aws-account
              bucket: my-bucket       # The name of a storage bucket that your specified account has access to. If you specify a globally unique bucket name that doesn't exist, Kayenta creates that bucket for you.
              region: us-west-2       # The region to use.
              rootFolder: kayenta     # The root folder in the chosen bucket to place all of the Canary service's persistent data in (Default: kayenta).
              profileName: default    # The profile name to use when resolving AWS credentials. Typically found in ~/.aws/credentials (Default: default).
              endpoint: http://minio  # The endpoint used to reach the service implementing the AWS api. Typically used with Minio.
              accessKeyId: abc        # The default access key used to communicate with AWS. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              secretAccessKey: abc    # The secret key used to communicate with AWS. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              supportedTypes:         # Array of: METRICS_STORE, METRICS_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - OBJECT_STORE
            s3Enabled: false          # Whether or not to enable S3 as a persistent store (Default: false).
          - name: newrelic
            enabled: false   # Enable/disable New Relic provider
            - name: my-newrelic-account
                baseUrl: https://newrelic  # The base URL to the New Relic Insights server.
              apiKey: abc                  # Your account's unique New Relic Insights API key. See This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              applicationKey: abc          # Your New Relic account id. See This field supports "encrypted" field references (
              supportedTypes:              # Array of: METRICS_STORE, METRICS_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
              - METRICS_STORE
        reduxLoggerEnabled: true           # Whether or not to enable redux logging in the canary module in deck (Default: true).
        defaultJudge: NetflixACAJudge-v1.0 # Name of canary judge to use by default (Default: NetflixACAJudge-v1.0).
        stagesEnabled: true                # Whether or not to enable canary stages in deck (Default: true).
        templatesEnabled: true             # Whether or not to enable custom filter templates for canary configs in deck (Default: true).
        showAllConfigsEnabled: true        # Whether or not to show all canary configs in deck, or just those scoped to the current application (Default: true).
        ...  # rest of config omitted for brevity
            enabled: true            # Enable/disable aws provider
              - name: cloudwatch
                region: us-west-2    # The region to use.
                profileName: default # The profile name to use when resolving AWS credentials. Typically found in ~/.aws/credentials (Default: default).
                  accessKey: abc     # The default access key used to communicate with AWS. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
                  secretKey: abc     # The secret key used to communicate with AWS. This field supports "encrypted" field references (
                supportedTypes:      # Array of: METRICS_STORE, METRICS_STORE, OBJECT_STORE
                  - METRICS_STORE
            enabled: true            # Whether or not Cloudwatch is enabled, Cloudwatch as a metrics service (Default: false).
      gcp-sa.json: |

Note: You can delete all disabled provider sections.

Last modified April 12, 2021: (8405118)